When I was a little girl my great grandma made me and my sisters all a doll that looked just like us. But when I was old enough to sew my G-grandma move to a different state.L She was never able to teach me to make dolls.
It was just a couple years ago when I was at the craft show in Ca when I saw these adorable dinky babies . That’s when I desisted to try and follow in my G-grandma foot steps. I bought the starters kit and got to work. I fell in loveJ .I started out with just making them for my two kids. I then thought that if I was so attached to the dolls that I made; it would be incredible to make one for my G-grandma. Her 93 birthday was just a few months ago and I gave her my doll. It was one of the greatest days of my life, sharing doll making secrets with her.
I have also made dolls for the little kids that are in foster care. These little children are tossed from family to family and they have such a hard and scary life. It just breaks my heart. So I make them friends that no one can take from them. Now when they are scared they have a friend. (Dinky babies). It was so exciting; I was able to make a little girl a doll that looked like her. She now has a forever home (she got adopted). To God be the glory forever. I hope to one day take these dolls to the ambulances so when the EMT’s have little ones that are scared they can give them a gift, (a dinky baby).It has been such a blessing for me to get to make these dolls and share them. The greats gift you could ever get is sharing theses dolls and seeing these little kids smile as they hold there new friends.
by Lynette Vermillion
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